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Finding Bugs in PyPy with a Fuzzer

Last week I played a bit with Fusil, which is a fuzzing framework. The idea is to feed the interpreter code that calls the functions of a module with random values of various types as arguments in the hope that one hits an unchecked case. This is done until a problem is hit , the most common problem being a segfault. Victor Stinner, the author of Fusil, is a regular in the PyPy IRC channel and thankfully helped me getting started with Fusil. I used his project description for CPython as a starting point and tweaked it a bit. Reason is that PyPy is harder to segfault and so I tweaked Fusil to also count uncaught RPython-level exceptions as such a problem. (RPython has full exception support, and if an RPython-exception escapes to the top level, the Python interpreter aborts. One should not be able to exploit this but but for a user it is bad enough, because such exceptions cannot be caught from Python code.)

Using Fusil I found a number of cases where such exceptions happened (in some pickle support-code, in the expat parser, in the os and in the termios module) and also one or two segfaults (in the parser module, of all places). I fixed all these problems so that by now the fuzzer just runs for a very long time and only finds things that take too long (so they count as a way to do a DoS attack) like pow(12355123123L, 12351512123121L) or round(1, 1000000000) (the latter should probably be fixed). This probably just means that the fuzzer is not good enough, because there are certainly segfaults left in PyPy. However, the fact that it is rather hard to find them validates our approach of using a high-level memory-managed language for our interpreter. Victor tells me that it is rather easy to find segfaults in CPython this way, he already found quite some problems.


Marius Gedminas wrote on 2008-07-13 20:42:

Nice post!

I especially like your certainty that PyPy has segfaults left in it. :-)

Maciej Fijalkowski wrote on 2008-07-13 22:02:

What? Segfaults in PyPy? Shouldn't have any left by now :-)

Armin Rigo wrote on 2008-07-13 22:04:

That previous comment was from me, accidentally logged in as Maciej, sorry. As usual, in PyPy confusion comes for free.

Maciej Fijalkowski wrote on 2008-07-14 07:17:

heh :) I was a bit surprised to see my comment which I did not write. Anyway, I agree with it :-)

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